Let’s Talk About Stress.


Stress is a normal part of life, but when it becomes long-term it's time to take better care of yourself. If you've noticed that you feel symptoms of stress quite often, there are instant actions you can take to help calm your body and mind in the comfort of your own home or even in a quiet spot on campus.

Try to:

Understand that problems will always arise, and that's okay.

Resist the urge to give up or run away from problems based on an emotional response. Problems are a part of life and in the long run avoidance tends to actually add more stress to one's life because the root issue is not being considered. Remind yourself that walking away from something that is causing you stress is healthy, but do your best at making a decision like that once you've had a moment to consider all of your options while in a calm state of mind.

Check out our Problem Solving Module

Practise managing your emotions.

Grab a piece of pen and paper (or open up your notes app on your phone) and start writing out anything that's bothering you. Get it out of your brain and onto paper (or the screen). This helps clear your mind and release negative emotions. Journalling has been known to help people prioritize their problems, fear, and concerns. It helps you track your symptoms and what might be triggering your stress.

Check out our Stress and Well-being Module

And don’t forget, it’s important to spend time with others!

We do our best at Loyalist to run events that help bring everyone together to celebrate, connect, and have fun. At times we bring in Therapy Dogs because petting an animal can lower stress levels and boost serotonin. We also run fun events because spending time with others can help increase your sense of belonging and purpose.

You can also consider booking an appointment to speak with a health care professional. We have a Student Health Centre on-site at our Belleville campus.

  • 📍 Room 1H7⁠

    🕒 Open Monday–Friday: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm (closed 12:30-1:00 pm)⁠

    *subject to change

    Book an Appointment:⁠

    📞 Call 613-969-1913, ext. 2374 or⁠

    📧 Email healthcentre@loyalistcollege.com⁠

    Learn more about your Student Health Centre.


If you feel like you have no one to talk to, remember that with My SSP you do.

April is Stress Awareness Month, Let My SSP Help.

Often times we do not hesitate to seek help when our bodies are hurting but what about our minds? Assessing your mental health regularly is just as important as regular checkups with your Doctor.

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Download and use the FREE ‘My SSP’ app to access mental health assessment tools that are completely anonymous. Available on Apple and Android devices.


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Assess Your Health with My SSP.