Let’s Talk Learning! 📚

Hello again, incoming students!

This week, we have some important academic information to share with you. Let's kick things off by highlighting a few valuable resources that are at your disposal.

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New Student Checklist

Introducing our checklist for new students at Loyalist College This handy guide covers everything you need to know, from preparing for classes to transfer credits and paying for college. 

New Student FAQs

Have questions? We've got answers! Check out our comprehensive FAQ section for new students at Loyalist College. 

Attention International Students!

We've got a special FAQ section just for you! Discover everything you need to know about studying at Loyalist College.

Looking for academic resources?

Look no further than the Parrot Centre, Loyalist's amazing library. Browse through our valuable academic services and support.

Looking for textbooks or Loyalist gear?

The Loyalist College Bookstore has you covered. Shop for all your course materials and show your school pride in one convenient place.

Ready to Learn?

Don't forget to check out Canvas, our user-friendly learning management system. Experience a preview of the platform through our Online Welcome Course. Plus, record your name in Name Coach for accurate pronunciation by your classmates and faculty.

General Education Electives

This week we are excited to introduce our required General Education course at the College. It's called Becoming a Global Changemaker and it's all about shaping your perspectives, expanding your horizons, and equipping you with essential skills for the future. This general education course is specifically designed to introduce you to Loyalist’s graduate attributes. 

By exploring topics such as cultural competency, indigenous education, entrepreneurship, sustainability, health and wellness, and ecological literacy, you'll be equipped with a powerful toolkit that extends far beyond the classroom. 

 Joining this course will empower you with knowledge and essential skills like critical thinking, cross-cultural communication, and problem-solving. These skills are priceless for your personal and professional growth in today's interconnected and complex world. Incoming first-year students will be automatically enrolled in this course in either the first or second semester.

  • Why is a course like this important?

    1. Cultural Competency: In an increasingly interconnected world, understanding and appreciating diverse cultures is vital. This course will empower you with the knowledge and skills to navigate cultural differences respectfully, fostering meaningful connections and collaborations.

    2. Indigenous Education: Learn about the rich cultural heritage, histories, and contributions of indigenous communities. By engaging with indigenous knowledge systems, you'll gain a deeper understanding of indigenous perspectives and foster a sense of respect and reconciliation.

    3. Entrepreneurship: Cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset and discover how to identify opportunities, think creatively, and develop innovative solutions to real-world challenges.

    4. Sustainability: As the world faces pressing environmental challenges, understanding sustainability becomes increasingly crucial. Explore concepts of sustainable development, conservation, and responsible consumption to become an advocate for a greener, more sustainable future.

    5. Health and Wellness: Discover the importance of holistic well-being and develop strategies for maintaining physical, mental, and emotional health. Explore various wellness practices and gain insights into fostering personal resilience and balance.

    6. Ecological Literacy: Deepen your understanding of the intricate relationships between humans and the natural world. By developing ecological literacy, you'll be better equipped to address environmental issues, promote conservation, and advocate for sustainable practices.

Get ready for an incredible journey ahead! Next week we'll be guiding you through the student experience, ensuring you're well-equipped to make the most of all available resources and set yourself up for success!


The Student Experience and Engagement Team


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