Student Government Initiatives



Launched the Class Leader program to ensure student voices are heard.

Student Government developed a policy to outline the purpose of Class Leaders as well as their duties and responsibilities. Student Government also began organizing the annual Class Leader Assembly as an opportunity to introduce Class Leaders to the Senior Vice-President Academic, School Deans and School Leaders.

Further enhancements have been made to the Class Leader program:

  • 2013-14:

    • Developed an online version of the Classroom Improvement Request Form (link to form) to make it easier for Class Leaders to identify problems in their classrooms.

    • Launched monthly enewsletters to keep Class Leaders informed of campus activities and to request their feedback.

  • 2016-17:

    • Created a new Class Leader Guide (link to guide) to better outline the importance and role of Class Leaders as well as provide important information to help Class Leaders succeed in their role.

    • Organized new Class Leader Forums once each semester to provide Class Leaders with an opportunity to discuss their feedback and ideas as well as voice the opinions and concerns of their classmates.

    • Launched a new Class Leader Survey as an opportunity for Class Leaders to provide feedback on their program (what they like or don’t like, suggestions for improvement, etc.).



Launched a new resource for students: Student Space Maps.

Identifies important facilities and services for students. Each year, Student Government continues to highlight important areas for students such as washrooms, Hydration Stations, recycling stations, accessible washrooms and entrances, bicycle parking locations, etc.


Introduced a new International Leader position in Student Government.

Ensures that the perspective of International Students is considered.


Introduced a new Indigenous Leader position in Student Government.

Advocates for the interests of Indigenous Students.


Installed Suggestion Boxes.

Placed in the Dining Hall, Link Lounge and Shark Tank Pub to provide students with an opportunity to anonymously submit their ideas and comments.


Launched the “Student Leader On Duty” program.

Helps to make Leaders more available to assist and support students. Student Government Leaders dedicated office hours each week where students could ask questions, provide feedback or suggest ideas.

Student Government ensures students’ interests and concerns are considered and as such, Student Government Leaders sit on various College and Committee Meetings.



